

Brittany and I had a sewing weekend and I made these pajama shorts, they cost me all of 3$ (perks of working at a fabric store!). The lace and buttons I stole from my moms LARGE supply of things like that. we also made a camera bag insert which I am SO happy with because I have wanted to make one of these for ages. Good-bye ugly camera bag!

The worst part of making this was measuring and cutting everything! As you can see we used every bit of that foam. This thing cost me zero dollars since I have a crafty mom, and my work gave me the foam for free!


the over pass

your cathedral
was under the highway,
where the tire-anthem droned over the concrete crypt.
Graffiti was your Mona Lisa
sprawled inelegantly across the cement.

I was a footman to
your roguish smile.
Leashed, I trailed
through needle-fine, hip-high
cat-tail grasses,
to this hooligan's annex.
Those brown bemused eyes said--I can't decipher you
The flames made a watery quiver on the wall.

I was satisfied with this
midnight August,
of you.


Monday Night

I can finally display my polaroids thanks to craft gawker where I stole this great idea!

anddd here's a poem I wrote for my Intro to Creative Writing class (best class everrrr)

In His Shoes

My father wore those boots
and so did I
and so did my brother
when he drowned
in the lake behind our house
my mother's grief
could have been heard across
the Atlantic ocean
and when they carried his body away
I was rooted to the porch slats
holding the boots by the laces
while the water
into a puddle
at my feet


if I had all the time in the world

I wish I had time to make all these things!

craftiness plus other things

Here are some things I have made recently, being in school prevents me from making even MORE cool things :(.

here's a card I embroidered with the Toronto city skyline which I gave to Zephir :)

My mom and I ran a half marathon about a month ago! This is before the race.
I made a book mark with an e e cummings poem
Zephir's mom gave me some felt and I finally used it to make something!


my life

Making it in poetry

The young teller
at the credit union
asked why so many
small checks
from universities?
Because I write
poems I said. Why
haven't I heard
of you? Because
I write poems
I said.

Bob Hicok