

you shrunk in my eyes
you used to be a tree and
i could lean on you and not fall
i could play in your branches

now you're the size of a pea
on my plate and
I could probably
swallow you whole and
not even

ps. sorry to my readers who like my poetry, I haven't been posting it online because A) I am afraid of plagiarism and B) for some poetry/writing contests through my university your work must not have appeared online before. Soooo if I keep posting it, that eliminates much of my work from competitions etc.

some things from my real camera

I've been using my iphone too much as a camera
here's some photos from my dslr from the past few months. 

 Dominican love

Algonquin winter love with my aunt

Wood splitting with my Dad

woodsy walks with lovely Lena

fun paint-ball bachelorette party 

Ice storm 
farm and cat love at my aunts farm 



Sometimes I feel God's grace and peace surrounding me, and other time the hurt is just too much to handle. I have to remind myself "God's got this" over and over again.

"You didn’t love her. You just didn’t want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn’t love her, because you don’t destroy the person that you love."-Callie Torres

"You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn’t matter whether someone is a relative, romantic interest, employer, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance — you don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go." -Daniel Koepke 

"I'm not fine as in fine, I'm fine as in you don't have to worry about me," -Dr. Gregory House

"My heart is so tired" -The Book Thief 


Life According to iphone photos

Things from March.
Lately I feel like God is saying "Don't worry, I have something way better in store for you, just trust me." It's a good feeling.