
In the blue

I made this video with Brooke when she came to visit for two days.
I hope you enjoy.


  1. It is funny how you girls are so dressed up to explore an abandoned house!

    Also I LOVE the back of your dress Brooke! It's like a heart!

    Also you found a journal in the house? That's sweet!


  2. hahaha... weeee were laughing at how dressed up we were while we were there .. slash cursing ourselves for it because that grass was really high and itchy.
    Thank you about the dress :)
    The journal was in the attic, which I insisted we break into.. along with a bunch of random stuff, like children's clothes. Howeverrr the "journal" turned out to be more of a record type of thing for some sort of business in 1991. But still, it was kind of interesting. Also, you can't see it in that shot but while I'm reading the journal I am balancing precariously over the hole in the floor that is the entrance to the attic. Sarah was pretty sure I was going to tumble to my death.
